About the Assign to Mechanic Option

This screen will display the number of Operations to be assigned. That can be more than one if Order is selected.

Once work is assigned then this is removed from the Unassigned work list.

The screens field descriptions are as follows:


Purpose / description


Use the torch icon  to find a mechanic or enter a mechanic number directly If the operation is to be applied to more than one mechanic then select the ‘Multiple’ icon to select several mechanics from a list.

Start Date

Set the date as required.

Start time

Will default to the nearest quarter (in decimal) based on the system time.


Order estimate or Operation time, this can be adjusted as required. Note! Same time will be allocated to each multiple mechanic and therefore might need to be adjusted.

Work Bay

Assign a Work bay from the drop down list.


Checked will assign time outside mechanics shift time, un-checked will Assign time within his shift pattern.


Used to indicate a break down repair etc.