The Customer Master File > Automatically Generated Customer Numbers

Automatically Generated Customer Numbers


If required, the facility exists to automatically generate a customer number when a new customer record is created.



From the Customer View, select File > New or click the New button .

This will display a Create Customer window (or a CDB search window if the CDB interface is enabled).


How to Activate Automatically Generated Customer Numbers:

If the automatic customer number facility is enabled, the customer number field will already be populated.



To activate this facility, set the Fusion parameter CAN001 to positive, and in Branch parameter CSA enter the desired key for the Fusion Range Table (e.g. CUSAC). Finally, set up a number range for ‘CUSAC’ against branch number one in the Number Range Table.

If there is no branch number one in the company, customer numbers can be allocated from the default number range branch (as held in parameter DBR001). To activate the default branch number range for customers, ensure that parameter CSA999 is set up and that CSA is set up for the default branch number (in the branch table).

 Note! If a user starts to create a customer and then exits the routine, the unused customer is saved in file THF189 for re-use the next time a new customer is added.



CAN001:   This indicates whether the customer number is automatically allocated when creating a new customer in Customer Maintenance.

DBR001:   Default branch number used for document number allocation when company number ranges are in use (i.e. if generic branch number 999 is set-up for a given number range), or if there is no number range set-up for the current branch.


What else would you like to do?

Creating a New Customer.