Claims > Converting an Invoiced Order into a Claim

Converting an Invoiced Order into a Claim


When an order has been invoiced to a customer and is subject to a manual goodwill claim, then this function will allow any previously non-claimed items to be copied to a manual warranty claim order.



From the Workshop Order View, use the filter option  to display invoiced only orders. Highlight the order that you want to convert, right-click and then select ‘Convert to Claim’.


How to Convert Invoiced Orders into Claims:

When ‘Convert to Claim’ is selected, a message is displayed confirming that the selected order has been converted to a claim and giving the claim number. Click OK to display the Manual Claim Details window.

When the conversion takes place, any line details from the order that have not previously been claimed for will be copied to a manual good will claim.

The claim is then completed and validated in the usual way. (You can check this within the claims section).


Related Topics:

Creating a Manual Claim.