Parts & Workshop Orders > Creating a Parts Order

Creating a Parts Order


When a part is sold, whether to an internal or external customer, an order must be raised for the transaction. The completion of the order then updates the stock figures in the Parts Master File and where necessary initiates a DSP order to replace the sold stock.



From the Parts Order View, select File > New > Order or select the Create Order button . This will display the Create Order window. Here, details of the customer, salesperson and delivery method must be entered before you get to the Order Details window.

From the Customer View, select Customer > Create > Parts > Order or right click on the customer and select Create > Parts > Order. This displays the Create Order window with the Customer number of the selected customer.


How to Create Parts Orders:

Within the top portion of the Order Details screen, various tabs are available for controlling customer information. When changing the field Payment Method from a non-Cash value to a Cash value within the Overview tab, depending upon parameter settings (MTD001, MTD002, and MTD003), will automatically amend the Invoice Value field, the print method field, and the Payment Terms value to values determined by the aforementioned parameters. Should these automatic changes not be required, then all three parameter values should be set to blanks; should one or more be required then any combination of values and blanks in the MTD parameters will effect only the non-blank parameters’ associated fields.

From the Order Details window, you can begin to add parts to the order by inputting the required part number or searching for it. Input the quantity required and click Add. A part order line details window will be displayed for the selected part number, click okay if the details are correct. The part you have just selected is now included in the list section of the Order Lines window. As you add more parts to the order they will also be displayed in this list section.

At any time you can exit the order by clicking the Save and Close button. This leaves the order at 'open' status and you can retrieve it later to either amend, add more parts or invoice it.


What else would you like to do?

Changing the Customer on an Order or Quotation.

Complete the Order and raise the invoice, see Invoicing a Parts Order.

Printing and Re-Printing Picking Slip.

Removing Parts from an Order.



Related Topics:

Batch Invoicing.

Cancelling or Deleting an Order.

Creating a Workshop Order.


Set up:

If parameter IFC001 is set to POS (Invoice Charge) then fields will be displayed ‘Invoice Charge Code’ and ‘Invoice Charge VAT Code’ on the order header shipping and costs tab. These allow an invoice charge to be added to the order automatically from the customer file. The invoice charge can subsequently be amended or removed before invoicing the order.