Stock > DSP Transactions

DSP Transactions


There is a constant two-way communication between Fusion and DSP. This communication is referred to as ‘transactions’ and the type of transaction will depend on what information is being transmitted between the two systems. This exchange of information ensures that dealers maintain up to date part information and stock records.



From the Supplier View, select Actions > DSP.


DSP Transactions are listed and explained in the following table:


DSP Transactions


Reports Produced

N40 - Automatic Order Line

Releases the automatic purchase proposal order lines and updates the On Order File

On Order File or Purchase Proposal Maintenance, dependant on flag in branch records. Auto Y or N

Y = order file

N = Proposal File.

PM520 - Released Automatic – Order Lines

GC140 - DSP Purchase Proposal

N42 - Manual Order Line

Adds to the Purchase Proposal File for manual treatment.

Manual Purchase Proposal

PM530 - Released Manual – Order Lines

PM540 - Manual Order Lines

GC140 - DSP Purchase Proposal

N50 - Registration of New Parts

Creates a new record on the dealer system Parts File.

Parts Master File

PM550 - Registration of a New Part Line

N70 - Advice Line

Matches the invoicing information from VIPS (except order class 1) and creates a receipt file in the dealer system. This file is used for printing bin documents and decreasing the on order and increasing the stock balance in the binning confirmation.

DSP Goods Receiving

PM560 - Order Line Delivered

N71 - Order Line

Updates On Order File

On Order File

PM565 - Order Line Accepted/Confirmation

N80 - Replacements

Used to update the On Order File and balance for the replaced/replacing part numbers.

Spool File (requires manual entry)

PM570 - Replacement Details

N81 - Amendment of Quantity

Updates the On Order File and balance. ‘On order quantity’ is decreased with the ‘ordered quantity’ and increased with the ‘allocated quantity’.

On Order File

PM580 - Order Line Amended or Cancelled

N82 - Back Order

On Order File

Spool File (Information only)

PM590 - Order Line Back Ordered with Supplier

N90 - Alignment, On Order and Back Order

Market Specific


The following table explains the Fusion transactions:


GDS Transaction


D10 - Buy Back

Only created when the Buy Back process has been carried out, according to the rules set by the importer. The Buy Back procedure does not create any sales transactions to DSP.


D20 - Manual Order Line

To confirm the ‘manual’ content of the proposed order lines. These lines are not stored in DSP, therefore all must be confirmed by D20. If a D20 is sent for a pending automatic line, this line will be cancelled and replaced by the manual record and quantity.


D28 - On Order Quantity - Non-Volvo

To update the on order of non-Volvo parts which are to be controlled within DSP.


D29 - Location - Non-Volvo

To increase the stock balance and reduce the on order of non-Volvo parts.


D31- Alignment Stock Balance

Aligns the stock balance with those stored in DSP. The routine will normally involve a manual check of stock prior to creation of D31. In addition, the dealer and importer need to be aware of pending transactions from DSP which may affect the physical stock.


D32 - Location Amendment

By using a pre-defined data code it is possible to update or amend sales forecast, movement codes, purchase codes and on order quantities.


D33 - Deletion of Part

To delete a record from the dealer’s part file.


D39 - Part File Update - Non-Volvo

To add a non-Volvo part to the dealer’s part file or amend certain data of an existing non-Volvo record.


D40 - Supertransaction

Created for every part number in the Parts Master File that have the part movements flag on. When created the flag must be reset and accumulators set to zero.