Fusion - Control Master Files > Hourly Rates

Hourly Rates


For each branch, different types of hourly rates (otherwise known as labour or charge out rates) can be created for each product code, including a description of the payment factor along with a start and expiry date and category code.



From the Control Master File view, select Hourly Rates. This will open the Hourly Rates window.


How to Add Edit & Delete Hourly Rates Codes:

In the Hourly Rates window, new codes can be created and existing codes opened and viewed or amended as well as deleted.

A payment factor code of ‘99’ must be reserved for use with a blank hourly rate. Payment factor 99 can then be set up with a specific hourly rate in the vehicle and/or customer files to overwrite payment factors from VST/TST on order lines.

The category code is the sale type that’s attached to each hourly rate and is used for reporting functions throughout Fusion.


Related Topics:

See the Parts & Workshop Orders chapter.