Reports > Parts Daily Sales Enquiry Report

Parts Daily Sales Enquiry Report


This allows you to enquire on parts and workshop sales by department and category and if required, all branches.



From the Part or Parts Order View, select Reports > Daily Sales Enquiry. This will display a Daily Sales Enquiry window.


How to Report on Parts Daily Sales Enquiry:

From the Daily Sales Enquiry window you can select the year you want to view.

Either parts, workshop or all sales can be viewed, but if you select only workshop  the value in the sales amount is only workshop labour sales. If only parts is selected, then all parts sales from both the workshop and parts counters is displayed.

The values in the Cost of Sales and Sales Amount columns are (parts) front counter sales and (workshop) back counter sales (sales through workshop).

Please note that in order for screen display and report information to be correct you must set up the following commands within the daily batch routine:


Clear Daily Sales File (Daily)

CALL PGM(THR343) PARM('1' '0')


Clear Daily Sales File   (Monthly)

CALL PGM(THR343) PARM('1' '1')