Fusion - Control Master Files > Payment Category Codes

Payment Category Codes


Payment categories exist for the different types of productive time, enabling reporting functions to operate correctly.



From the Control Master File view, select Payment Category. This will display the Payment Category window.


How to Add Edit & Delete Payment Category Codes:

In the Payment Category window, new codes can be created and existing codes opened, viewed, amended as well as deleted.

To create a new payment category select File > New. This will display a Payment Category Details window. The rate indicates the actual percentage rate of pay the productive person will receive if allocated this code. For example 100 represents 100%, 150 represents one and a half times the basic rate of pay.

If payroll maintenance is active a ‘Payroll Source’ field is displayed, allowing the payment category to be cross referenced to a payroll source code.


Related Topics:

Payroll Source Codes.