Parameters |
Purpose / Description |
PLN001 |
Number of days to retain for planning (62) |
PLN002 |
Number of Days to Plan Forward (31) |
PLN003 |
Use Fusion Planning (Set to POS) |
PLN004 |
Order Planned Time Over-estimate % |
PLN005 |
Order Planned time Under-estimate % |
PLN006 |
W/S Planning Capacity Error Percentage |
PLN007 |
W/S Planning Capacity Error Percentage |
PLN008 |
Cash Customer Refresh Interval (015 mins,‘000’ not used) |
REC201 |
Completed Flag in Time Recording (0=None, 1=Order, 2=Line) |
RES002 |
Pick parts at line addition (should be set to NEG for planning) |
RES004 |
DSP Stock Order Lead Time (Branch) |
RES005 |
Create purchase order |
RES006 |
Confirm Vehicle due in as planned (Branch) |
New Trigger program PLANNING Fusion planning updates ‘Active’
New Privilege ‘Allow Access to Planning Board’ (from Fusion world)
Data Area THDA1500 Next Planning Reference Number
file Mechanics
‘flagged’ for planning
Assigned Shift and Clocking patterns
registered for holidays etc
Assign skill grades and authority codes
Daily Batch command CALL THC559 PARM(' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'M') to update Available Hour’s on Diary screen.
Email set up THF079, Program TH3R1500, Printer File *None
Re-org option for Planning File THF498 based on current parameter PLN002
(Available hours in THF559)
Note; Parameter PLN002 "Number of days to
retain for planning” (recommended 062)
Command to add to Daily Batch
'CALL TH3R0705'
Conversion routine New CNR498 conversion routine to update Planning file THF498 from Schedule file THF492.