Shared Functions > Presets



This facility allows the user to tailor specific views (presets) to their preference and to default the first module available when entering Fusion.



From any Module select View / Presets / Create Preset from these settings.



Within the current view select filter and select required details as follows:

Select columns to be displayed by positioning the cursor in a column heading and clicking the right mouse button. This will allow the selection of which available fields should be displayed in this view.

Select the position of the columns by positioning the cursor over a column heading and, holding the left mouse button down. Now drag the column to the required position.

Select View / Presets / Create Preset from these settings and assign a description (not more than 50 characters).

Select the Save Preferences icon to save preset.

 Note! The Default Module will always be the last User Preference saved and will include any presets created.


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