Fusion - Control Master Files > Product Group - Inventory Cross-References

Product Group – Inventory Cross-References


This table defines which inventory code should be used for new parts delivered via DSP. The inventory code is then used to define which parameter defaults should be used for new parts.



From the Control Master File view, select Product Group/Inventory X-Ref. This will display the Product Group/Inventory X-Ref window.


How to Create Product Group/Inventory Cross-References:

In the Product Group/Inventory X-Ref window, new codes can be created and existing codes opened, viewed, amended as well as deleted.

The priority must be set so that exceptions are registered at a higher level. For example, if all product groups in range 60 to 69 are inventory code 0, but product group 65 needs to be code 3, then this line must be placed at a higher priority level. If it’s not, then the rule 60 to 69 will set product group 65 at inventory Code 0. The inventory code can be anything you want it to be.


Related Topics:

Inventory – Product Code Cross-References.