Vehicle Administration > Registering an Invoice as Paid

Registering an Invoice as Paid


The Register Invoice Paid routine allows you to record the date when an invoice is paid by the customer. This information is used to ensure that the correct vehicles are printed on the Vehicles Invoiced Awaiting Payment report.



From the Vehicle Order View, highlight the vehicle order you want to work with and select Vehicle Order > Register Invoice Paid to access the Register Invoice Paid window.


How to Record an Invoice as Paid:

In the Register Invoice Paid window all the invoices that were raised for the selected order are displayed. Right-click the invoice that has been paid, then select Date Paid. This will display a date field where you can input the date that the invoice was paid. It will default to the current days date but can be changed.

Check the Delivery Authorisation checkbox to generate an automatic email to the salesperson if required. To view the details of an invoice, right-click in the invoice list and select open.


What else would you like to do?

Vehicles Invoiced Awaiting Payment Report.


Related Topics:

Invoicing a Vehicle Order.