Parts & Workshop Orders > Reserved Parts

Reserved Parts


Allows searches on specific parts or customers. Lists all related orders and their reservation status.



From the Parts Order View or Workshop Order View, open a parts or workshop order and select Actions>Reserved Parts.


How to Work With Reserved Parts:

The Reserved parts view displays a ‘Reservation Status’ symbol, their meanings are: Red cross  = ‘Un-sourced reservations exist’. Green tick  = ‘All stock available’ and Yellow warning triangle  = ‘All stock available or sourced’.

Highlight part where status symbol is a Red cross and do one of the following:

      From the menu bar select Part or select down arrow next to the ‘open’ icon, alternatively select RMK, each option displays ‘orders’ or ‘sources’.

      Select ‘orders’  this drills down to an orders screen listing related orders.

      Select ‘source’ this drills down detailing where parts have been sourced from.

Highlight part where status symbol is a Green tick and do one of the following:

      From the menu bar select Part or select down arrow next to the ‘open’ icon, alternatively select RMK, each option displays ‘orders’ .

      Select ‘orders’ this drills down to orders screen listing related orders.

Highlight part where status symbol is a Yellow warning triangle and do one of the following:

      From the menu bar select Part or select down arrow next to the ‘open’ icon, alternatively select RMK, each option displays ‘orders’ or ‘sources’.

      Select ‘orders’ this drills down to orders screen listing related orders.

      Select ‘source’ this drills down detailing where parts have been sourced from.