Fusion - Control Master Files > Shift Patterns

Shift Patterns


Shift patterns are the shift headers for each shift and include the number of days in that shift pattern.



From the Control Master File view, select Shift Pattern. This will display the Shift Pattern window.


How to Add Edit & Delete Shift Patterns:

In the Shift Pattern window, new codes can be created and existing codes opened and viewed or amended as well as deleted. Each code consists of a header record and a details window.

To create a new shift pattern select File > New. This will display a Shift Pattern Header window. Input a code for the new shift pattern and a description and start date and click OK.

Highlight the new code from the list in the Shift Pattern window and right-click then select Details. This will display a new Shift Pattern window which will be blank as the code’s new, so you’ll need to set up the days the shift is to cover and which shift will be worked on those days. To do this select File > New and select the shift and how many days of the pattern it should cover.

As many patterns as required can be created for the shift, for example 7 (for a 7 day shift) or 14 (for a 14 day shift).

When the shift pattern is assigned to a mechanic, the system will automatically calculate whether any days in the shift pattern fall on the mechanic’s non-working days. For example a weekend which is not included as a core function in the shift clocking detail.


Related Topics:

Time Recording Rules.