Reports > Stock Balance Report

Stock Balance Report


A new report has been created specifically for the Russian Market which has also been made available as a standard report in the base product.

The report is based on the Transaction History file (THF102) and is designed to provide a list of transactions for the selected criteria with an opening and closing balance of each parts and for the report as a whole.


From the Part View, select Parts > Reports > Stock Balance report.


How to Report on Stock Balance:

The report is security controlled and a new security item under Parts reports has been added. This is set to a default of Negative. The selection criteria include Branch selection, Part prefix, Part number Range from and to Or, Product code AND Date Range.

The report will also review archived data if selected.

The opening balance for each part will display the closing balance of the last transaction before the date range selected or if no date range is selected the oldest record on the file. The closing balance is the on hand quantity multiplied by the new average cost for the last transaction reported

The report also has two totals reported at the end of the report, Opening Balance and Closing Balance.

The Opening Balance is a total of all the opening balances and costs reported.

The Closing Balance is a total of all the closing balances and costs reported. 

The report will list all transactions for the selection criteria irrespective of the effect on stock

The columns printed are defined as follows:


Column Name

Purpose / Description


Date of transaction movement

Transaction Reference

Transaction Analysis Code followed by the transaction description


This will vary according to the transaction type but will take the data from one of the following fields in the transaction history file; Miscellaneous Values, Order number, Invoice number and stock movement number.


Supplier / Customer number this is dependant on transaction type.

Quantity Before

Calculation of the Effect on the Transaction Qty or + Stock Balance after.

Operation Cost

Calculation of Quantity before multiplied by the Cost.

Operation Qty

Movement Quantity for this transaction DXTRQY

Cost Total

Stock Balance after multiplied by the transaction cost.

Balance after

Stock Balance after transaction.

Average cost

New Average cost after transaction