Reports > VST Hours Sold and Taken Report

VST Hours Sold and Taken Report


This report shows VST hours sold/taken by payment code, either in detail or summary, within a specified period. This is a flexible and powerful report which can be printed or which in its screen version allows drilldown into data as far as individual order level from the overview of VST hours sold/taken.



From the operation view select Reports > VST Hours Sold & Taken from the menu bar.


How to Report on VST Hours Sold and Taken:

In the VST Hours Sold and Taken Report window there are multiple selections to allow refinement of your view of VST hours. Selection can be made by range of invoice date, department code, product code, operation type, registration number, chassis, range of customers and branch. Also the report can be shown in detail or summary formats, to include VST or VST and parts, and in printed or screen-based formats.

The screen-based report allows drilldown from grand totals to totals by payment code, range of VST within payment code, monthly workshop sales by group of operation codes, summary by operation number and labour sales by individual order.