Reports > Actual Costs Audit Report

Actual Costs Audit Report


The purpose of this report is to provide an audit of actual costs allocated to vehicles in Vehicle Order.

This is a clear-down report, which means that each time it's printed it only includes costs which have been allocated since the previous run. This means the report can be used to monitor the input of costs on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, as required. As a further control, each report is given a sequential run number so that missing reports can be easily identified. By stock number and vehicle charge item, the report displays the details of cost records that have a status of 'accepted'. Cost records sharing the same document number, document date and accepted date are summarised.

Sub-totals are given for each vehicle charge item and each stock ID, and the variance from estimated cost is displayed. Bear in mind that this variance figure does not represent the total variance value unless all costs for a given vehicle were accepted during the period covered by the report run. It's recommended that any pending costs are accepted prior to running the report to ensure that costs received from external applications are fully up-to-date. Deleted costs are not shown on this report, therefore if deletion is allowed, deleted costs should be monitored using the Cost Status Report.



From the Vehicle Order View, select Reports > Costs > Actual Costs Audit.


How to Report on Actual Costs Audit:

There are no selection criteria for this report, only a confirmation window.


Related Topics:

Cost Status Report.