Parts & Workshop Orders > Assigning a Mechanic to an Order

Assigning a Mechanic to an Order


You may want to assign a particular mechanic to a job, or where multiple mechanics have worked on a job you might want to manipulate the time booked to the job for each mechanic.



From the Workshop Order View, highlight the order that you would like to work with and then right-click and select Open. Alternatively, highlight the order and select Order > Open from the menu bar, click the open button or double-click the order. All of these methods will display the Order Details window for the selected order.


How to Assign a Mechanic to an Order:

Within the Order Details window, open the operation line you would like to assign a mechanic to. In the Add/Amend Work Operation window input the mechanic number you would like to assign to this operation. More than one mechanic can be assigned to an operation. Depending on a parameter, the system treats multiple mechanics in one of two ways. It either uses the time booked for each mechanic or regardless of the time booked, it will divide the time equally among them (although this can still be manipulated).

If you want to assign multiple mechanics to an operation, highlight the operation and right-click then select Multiple Mechanic Details. In the Multiple Mechanic Details window select File > New and input a mechanic number and the time you expect them to spend on the operation then click OK. Repeat this for all the mechanic’s you want to assign to the operation. When you have input all mechanic details, click Validate. This will check that the total time input for the mechanics matches the sold time for the order. (You may need to amend/delete the default mechanic time: 0000.)

Where multiple mechanics have booked time against an operation and the system has divided it up pro rata, you can access the Multiple Mechanic Details window and amend the time for each mechanic record. Once you’ve made your amendments, click Validate to check that the total time input for the mechanics matches the sold time for the order.


What else would you like to do?

Adding an Operation to a Workshop Order.

Adding Parts to a Workshop Order.


Related Topics:

See information About the Mechanic Master File.

See Time Recording Rules.


Set up:

Parameter MST 001, if set to positive will pro-rata hours sold based upon hours booked for multiple mechanics working upon a single workshop order line operation.