The Parts Master File > Average Cost

Average Cost


Markets use either replacement cost or average cost to calculate the cost of purchases. The method used is controlled by a parameter.



From the Part View select the required part and double-click. This will display the Part Maintenance window for the selected part.



In the Part Maintenance window, the average cost for the part is displayed in the Sale tab. The average cost is calculated in the following ways:


For DSP goods receiving there are four stages to the calculation:

      Current average cost value x current stock balance = XXX

      New receipt value x stock replacement cost (for order class 3) or daily replacement cost (for order class 1) = YYY

      XXX + YYY = ZZZ

      ZZZ/stock balance + new stock balance = average cost


For Manual goods receiving there are also four stages to the calculation:

      Current average cost value x current stock balance = XXX

      New receipted value x goods receiving quantity = YYY

      XXX + YYY = ZZZ

      ZZZ/stock balance + new stock balance = average cost


When stock is adjusted, Fusion automatically recalculates a new average cost. For example:

      Stock adjust part no A, quantity 1

      Current average cost = 10,00

      Current stock balance = 5

      Calculation: 10,00 (avg cost) x 5 (stock balance) = 50,00 (X)

      10,00 (avg cost) x 1 (stock adjustment quantity) = 10,00 (Y)

      50,00 (X) + 10,00 (Y) = 60,00/6 (stock bal + adjustment qty) = 10,00