Operations & Packages > Central Packages

Central Packages


Central packages are created by the Importer and sent to Main Distributors overnight in the Daily Batch.



From the Operations View, select Package Flag in the Operation Filter. Central Packages can be identified by the format of the Operation Number (‘12345 VO – five numeric characters followed by ‘VO’).



Regular monthly package updates are sent out from VTC to each main distributor. These are then extracted and the GPSS files THF276/7/8/9 are updated along with the VST file THF025 with the package operation. Any previous packages are replaced with the latest extract and an email is sent to designated user set up within the email distribution option. Attached to the email is a spreadsheet listing any errors.

All packages supplied centrally have the indicator ‘C’ on the package files and if these are modified by the dealer any details added are indicated by an ‘L’ (local). These will not be replaced when a new extract takes place; thus preventing the dealer having to re-key any local operations or parts.

The labour rate applied to centrally applied package operations is the dealers’ normal retail rate (based on VST 001). The price applied to the part will be the retail price from the Parts Master File. Centrally supplied packages support both ‘T’ruck (Product code 0) and ‘B’us (Product code 2), and are distributed and extracted based on the market/dealers language code as per THF 201 set up.

The Package Description File THF 279 is restricted to four lines of text which limits the amount of details that can be transmitted. Packages created centrally use the 4-digit function group as used with the VST File and Parts Pricing File. This is followed by a single digit serial number and then a suffix of VO. For Example – 2371_O_VO. Variant descriptions are checked against THF 004 and the correct applicable variant code is written to THF 278.


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