Reports > Cost Status Report

Cost Status Report


The Cost Status Report allows you to select detailed listings of all cost records on the system, whatever their status.

By stock ID, the report lists all cost records with the chosen cost status, detailing:



Purpose / Description

Input Date

The date that the cost record was first entered in Fusion

Cost Source

Indicates the input source of the document: Pen = via Accept Pending Costs routine. Man = manually entered via Actual Costs. W/S = accepted via automatic workshop interface. Ext = accepted via automatic external interface. Aut = automatically added by the Post Depreciation option (see the Post Depreciation Routine,  in Vehicle Order Workbench > Actions > Depreciation), or by Print Purchase Invoice (see the Print Purchase Invoice Routine in Vehicle Order Workbench > Vehicle Order/RMK > Print Purchase Invoice option).

Workshop Branch

The Branch number where the Workshop is.

Document Number

If a document exists containing related information, this is the document number.

Document Date

This indicates when the document was recorded in the system.

Item Number

Workshop VST or package number

Item Description

The description held against the cost record

Item Value

The value of the cost record.

Cost Type Description or Supplier Name

As the title suggests, this shows either the description of the cost type or the Supplier’s name.

Cost Type

Indicates the type of vehicle charge to which the cost was allocated: 0 = Vehicle Extra. 1 = Vehicle Chassis. 2 = Cost Credit 1. 3 = Cost Credit 2. 4 = Other Charge 1. 5 = Other Charge 2. 6 = Other Charge 3. 7 = Other Charge 4. 8 = Other Charge 5. 9 = Other Charge 6. D = Depreciation. I = Stocking Interest.

Accepted Date

Accepted costs only

User ID

Accepted costs only



From the Vehicle Order View, select Reports > Costs > Cost Status.. This will display a Cost Status Report window.


How to Report on Cost Status:

In the Cost Status Report window input the required selection criteria to customise your report. The input date is the date that the cost record was first entered in Fusion and therefore might not be the same as the document or accepted dates.


Related Topic:

Actual Costs Audit Report