The Parts Master File > Creating and Maintaining Parts Kits

Creating and Maintaining Parts Kits


Parts kits allow the parts department to create a kit containing a selection of parts. This saves time when booking out large numbers of parts. It also allows dealers to create fixed price kits for promotional sales and fixed price servicing.



From the Part View, select Actions > Parts Kits. This will display a Work with Parts Kits window.


How to Create & Maintain Parts Kits:

The Work with Parts Kits window lists all kits currently set up in the system, from here parts kits are created, maintained, copied and deleted.

Double click a record to display a list of the parts that are in that kit. To add further parts, input the part number and quantity and click Add. To delete a part from the kit, highlight the part and right-click then select Delete.

Some parts within the kit may have supersession information; this will be indicated by a supersession icon.

These parts can be updated from the kit by right clicking the part and selecting process supersession. Alternatively when the kit is added to an order the supersession can be processed then. 

When adding parts to a kit, the system will check the Local Parts Master File to find details of the part and if it's not listed there, it will check the Volvo Parts Master File. If it doesn't find the part number here either, an error message will be displayed.

If you want to assign a fixed price to a part in a kit, it can either be input when the part is added to the kit, or if you double click a part that's already in a kit an Amend Part window will be displayed where you can input a fixed price.

To update the kit's header details, highlight the kit then select Kit > Edit Header. This will display the Edit Kit Description and Notes window.

To create a new parts kit, select File > Create Kit. This will display a Create Part Kit Header window. In the Kit Part Number field, input a unique number to identify the new kit along with a description and branch number and any notes that you want to be displayed when the kit is selected in the order entry routine. Click OK to add the new kit to the Work with Parts Kits window.


What else would you like to do?

Adding Parts Kit to an Order.