The Parts Master File > Deleting Parts from the Parts Master File

Deleting Parts from the Parts Master File


When parts are received or sold, the information held within the Parts Master File is referenced and updated according to the transactions being processed. Parts often become obsolete or are superseded and further retention of the part record is no longer required.

There are two ways that parts can be removed from the Parts Master File: individual parts can be deleted, or a batch of 'inactive' parts can be created and then deleted.



From the Part View, highlight the part that you would like to delete then select Part > Delete. Alternatively, highlight the part and right-click to select delete or click the Delete button.

To delete inactive parts, in the part view select Actions > Delete Inactive Parts.


How to Delete Parts:

To delete individual parts from the Parts Master File, in the part view right-click the part you want to delete then select Delete. A window is displayed asking you to confirm the deletion. To delete inactive parts, you first need to create a work file (batch). After entering selection criteria parts are selected for deletion automatically and must meet the  following criteria:

      no stock on hand

      no allocated stock

      no stock on order

      no super-sessions

      no back orders

      creation date not within the last month

      no sales within the last 3 - 12 periods

      Not flagged for stock check

      No special prices

      Not on Vehicle Waiting File

      Not part of a kit, or an associated part

      Not on parts/workshop quotation


From the Delete Inactive Parts window, select File > New. This will display a Create Inactive Part Batch window. Here you can give your batch a unique number and specify certain selection criteria, from which the system will create your batch. (Simply creating a batch will not affect the Parts Master File, but it gives you the opportunity of reviewing the parts that the system has selected, before the deletion actually takes place).

Batches can be opened, deleted or printed. Opening a batch displays a list of all the parts in that batch and any parts that you don't want to delete can be removed from the batch.

Once you are sure that your batch is correct and you are ready to delete the parts, highlight it from the list, right-click and select Activate. Alternatively from ‘File’ select Active or use the ‘Activate’ icon. A window is then displayed asking you to confirm the activation. Once activated, the system performs one last validation to check that the parts selected still meet the 'inactive' criteria. Any that don't will not be removed from the Parts Master File and a report listing these will be automatically produced.

When you activate a batch, you might get a message to say that you are not authorised to delete parts. If this happens it means that you don't have the required level of authority to perform this action and you should contact your system administrator.

When any parts are deleted from the Parts Master File, a D33 record is created which the system transmits to the importer so that their records are kept up to date.

If a part is deleted in error from the Parts Master File, it must be entered back into the file manually. Please note that if this happens, then all the original transactional records will have been lost.


What else would you like to do?

Add Parts to the Parts Master File , as shown in Creating a New Part.


Related Topics:

Part User ID.



Authority to remove parts from orders is given within Fusion Control Files > Part User ID Maintenance.