The Customer Master File > Customer Address and Contact Details

Customer Address and Contact Details


Customer information is held in Fusion and is referenced by the system when orders are created, invoices or credits raised and vehicle records are retrieved.



From the Customer View, highlight the customer that you would like to work with, then select Customer > Open. Alternatively double-click on the customer to open the record. This will then display the Customer Maintenance window.


How to Maintain Customer Address Details:

Address field headings can be changed to suit the requirements of the market. Field labels for addresses can be set up in the ‘Volvo message file’ using the following message ID’s:

      VOL7283 Heading for address line 1

      VOL7284 Heading for address line 2

      VOL7285 Heading for address line 3

      VOL7298 Heading for address line 4

      VOL7299 Heading for address line 5

      VOL7300 Heading for address line 6

Address line 4 is an optional field that will only appear if a parameter is enabled.

Many of the customer address fields are market specific and parameteres control whether they are displayed or not.

Additional addresses and contact names may also be stored againts each customer if required.

A facility is also provided that allows you to associate a specific document type with a specific address so that documents created in ‘point-of-sale’ routines can be addressed in accordance with the individual customers’ requirements.

Additional addresses can be found in the Address tab within the customer Maintenance window.

To create an additional address select File > New > Address. This will then display the ‘Create Additional Address’ window. In this window you can also indicate whether this address should be used for deliveries and/or invoices.

 Note! Each document type may be linked to one address only.

Invoices and delivery notes will be addressed to the main customer address if the document type has not been linked to an additional address.


Document Address Logic in Parts:

Customer Details – Display: Main Customer Address

Delivery/Ship To Details: Nominated Delivery Address

(unless manually overridden)

Invoice To Details – Invoice Print: Nominated Invoice Address


Document Address Logic in Workshop:

Customer Details – Display: Main Customer Address (unless manually overridden)

Delivery Details – Invoice Print: Main Customer Address (unless manually overridden)

Invoice To Details – Invoice Print: Nominated Invoice Address

In all cases, where no address is specifically nominated for invoices or parts delivery notes, the main customer address will be used by default. For vehicle admin and sundry invoicing please always use the customer’s main address details.

Customer contact details are held within the Contacts tab within the ‘Customer Maintenance’ window. Here, information about the person and their responsibility within the company is held.


How to Maintain Customer Contact Details:

Customer Contact details are held within the Contacts tab within the ‘Customer Maintenance’ window. Here, information about the person and their responsibility within the company is held / can be amended.


Setup / Parameters:



Purpose / Description


Address line 4 is an optional field that will only appear if the parameter is enabled. If it is enabled, the field display will be in 2 parts consisting of a 30 character text field and a 2-character code. The 2-character field may be used to enter a location code such as a state code or a district code, depending upon the requirements of the market.


This parameter controls whether entries in address line 4 are validated. It also controls the sequence of the display:
If enabled, entries are validated against a market-specific City/State Code table, and the display sequence is a 2-character code field followed by a 30-character text field.

If disabled, entries are not validated, and the display sequence is a 30-character text field followed by a 2-character code field.

State Tax Code / City Tax Code / Suframa Code are all market-specific fields that are only displayed if this parameter is enabled.


Controls whether the ‘Company Formation Date’ field is displayed.


Controls whether thr ‘Territory Code’ field is displayed. If enabled, entry is mandatory and is validated against the Territory Code table.


Controls whether the ‘Parma Number’ field is displayed. If set to 0 Parma Number is not displayed, if set to 1 Parma Number is displayed but is an optional entry; if set to 2 Parma Number is displayed and entry is mandatory.

CGC001, CGC002, CGC003

These parameters control the fields ‘CGC/CPF Number’/’Natureza Juridica’/’Company Number’. If CGC001 is set to 0, none of these fields appear. If CGC001 is set to 1, CGC/CPF Number and Natureza Juridica fields are displayed, and entry can be mandatory or optional depending upon the setting of CGC002. Parameter CGC003 stores the values against which Natureza Juridica entries are validated.
If CGC001 is set to 2, the Company Number is displayed and entry is mandatory. A warning message will appear if a number is entered that is present on another customer.


This parameter controls whether the customer name can be overridden when creating an additional address. Where override is allowed, a name of up tp 90 characters may be entered. However, names in excess of 45 characters should not be entered unless your local parts and workshop document prints can support long names.


Controls whether the e-business interface is active. If it is, then the field ‘Home Delivery Cost’ is displayed. This is the default delivery cost used in e-business transactions.

DCT001, DCT002, DCT003

Define the document types used in additional customer address maintenance. Holds the text that will be used to identify the document types, for example ‘Invoice’ or ‘Fattura’. DCT003 is reserved for future use.


If required this parameter can be set to *LIKE(POS001) in which case workshop invoices will always use the main customer address details in preference to any nominated invoice address.


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CDB/Fusion Field Mapping.