Shared Functions > Fusion Chat

Fusion Chat


This facility allows Fusion users to talk to each other, via the messaging facility built into Fusion, without leaving the product.  One of the benefits of this internal system is that the user can see which other users are currently signed into Fusion.



From the Fusion Initial Panel, click the Fusion Chat button to open a list of users and their current status.


How to Search in Fusion Chat:

A user can be searched for by entering the User ID and selecting Search or by entering all, or part of the users name, and selecting search. Searching by ID will position in the list of names. Searching by name will only list those names which match the search criteria. Leaving search fields blank will present a list of all users.


How to Use Chat Settings:

The following user states can be set. Click on the arrow to choose another state:

I am Free:   This allows the user to indicate whether they are available for Chat or not. If they are, their status will be green. Click on the arrow to choose another state.

I am Busy:  The User is signed on but is not available for Chat. Their status will be blue. In this state messages will be sent but will not be displayed on screen. The user will have to select and expand the message window.

I am Away: The User is signed in but is not available for Chat. Their status will be red. In this state messages will not be sent and senders will see the message ‘User is Away’.

User is not signed on:       In this case the users status will be grey.

Activating the Always on Top checkbox means that when a recipient receives a message and selects the screen behind the message, the Chat message will remain over the top of the screens in the background. If this box is not ticked the Chat message will not remain on top.

Activating the Beep the incoming message means that when a recipient receives a message there will be a sound generated on the PC. If it is not ticked there will not be any sound.


How to Chat in Fusion Chat:

From the user list, double click on the user you wish to Chat with. A window will be displayed into which messages can be typed. Type the required text and select Send to send your text.

The recipient will receive the text in their window, and the Chat window will display according to the rules described in the previous section. As each user sends a message the text will appear in the body of the window.

Low Priority:          If this box is ticked the message is sent with low priority and, even if the recipient has the Fusion Chat window visible on their PC the recipients window will display the message and then collapse itself.

Mandatory Response:       If this box is ticked the recipient must send a response to a message before they can close the Fusion Chat window.