Campaigns & Schedules > Local Campaigns

Local Campaigns


In Fusion it is possible to create and maintain campaigns whether they are local or importer created campaigns.

When opening any repair order a message will be displayed in the ‘Customer/Vehicle’ tab to inform you of any outstanding local campaigns. This can also be used as an indicator to download an importer campaign (if the campaign has been copied into the Local Campaign File).

If the campaign is processed through the warranty system, Fusion will automatically write the repair order number to the campaign file. However, you must still confirm the local campaign completion.

 Note! When creating an order, if the check box is checked this will validate any outstanding importer campaigns and these will be displayed in a separate dialogue box.



From the Vehicle View select Actions > Local Campaigns. This will display a Local Campaigns window that lists all local campaigns (including the total number of vehicles involved in the campaign).

Alternatively, from the Workshop Order View select Order > Local Campaigns. This will display a Local Campaigns window that lists only the local campaigns applicable to the selected vehicle.


How to Create a New Local Campaign:

The Local Campaigns window lists all campaigns currently held on the system. If the campaign expiry date has passed then a red warning symbol  is displayed alongside the campaign number.

 Note! Expired campaigns are displayed in this window until deleted.

To create a new campaign select File > New from the Local Campaigns window. This will display a Create Local Campaign window where you will need to input a Campaign Number, Description and the Start Date and Expiry Date. Click OK to add the campaign to the list in the Local Campaigns window. Now Open the new campaign and select File > New to add details of the vehicles involved in the campaign. Input a single registration number or select Multiple to use the vehicle selector to add more than one vehicle. For each vehicle added to the campaign there is an Order Number field to hold the order which fulfils the campaign for that vehicle.


How to Copy Vehicle Details to a New Local Campaign:

To copy vehicle details to a new campaign, select the Copy icon from the Local Campaigns window. This will display a Copy from Local Campaign window where you can input the new Campaign Number, a Description (if required) and the Start Date and Expiry Date for the new campaign.


How to Change the Campaign Description and Dates:

To change the Campaign Description or the start or expiry dates, from the Local Campaigns window select the ‘Header’ icon.


How to Add or Remove Vehicles from a Campaign:

To add or remove vehicles from a campaign, select the Details icon from the Local Campaigns window.


How to Check a Campaigns Percentage Completed Status:

To check how complete a particular campaign is for a particular customer, highlight the campaign and select the % icon. This will display a screen listing the number of vehicles registered for this campaign by customer number, the number of vehicles for which the campaign has been carried out/outstanding and the percentage complete.

 Note! Completed campaigns have an order number registered against the vehicle record in the campaign. This can be seen in the Local Campaign Vehicle Details window.


How to Delete a Campaign:

To delete a campaign, highlight it and select the Delete icon.

 Note! This should only be done when a campaign is complete or has expired.


How to Send a Campaign Information Letter to a Customer:

If you want to send a letter to a customer to inform them about a campaign, highlight the campaign and select the Letter icon. Select the Code for the letter that you require and click OK. In the following window select the Status; where Completed refers to those vehicles that have an order number and Outstanding refers to those vehicles that don’t have an order number. Option allows you to select whether the letter is printed per customer or per vehicle.


How to Copy a Local Campaign to an Order:

If the Local Campaigns window has been accessed from the Workshop Order view, the option ‘Copy to Order’ is available. This allows you to select a campaign and copy it to the selected order. Also see


How to Print Campaign Reports:

From the Campaign Details window you can print various campaign reports by selecting the Print icon.


How to Transfer Campaign Details to a PC:

As in GDS Classic, local campaign details can be transferred to a PC using the Transfer Data to PC button, which is available from the taskbar in the Local Campaigns window.

Where a campaign has been completed elsewhere for a particular vehicle, you can input the order number or a reference number by opening the campaign details window and double-clicking on the vehicle. If the campaign was completed via ‘Work with Orders’ then the order number is automatically updated when completing the order.


What else would you like to do?

Transfer Data to PC.


Related Topics:

Copying a Local Campaign to an Order.