Fusion - Control Master Files > Marketing Code Maintenance

Marketing Code Maintenance


Marketing Codes can be assigned to parts within Fusion in order to help with categorising and analysis purposes.  For Volvo parts the default marketing code will be derived from the Volvo part file, however local values can be assigned.



From the Control Master File view, select Marketing Codes. This will display the Marketing Codes Maintenance panel showing a list of existing marketing codes.


How to Add Edit & Delete Marketing Codes:

In the Marketing Code panel, new marketing codes can be created and existing codes can be opened, viewed, and amended, as well as deleted.

To create a new code, select File > New or click on the ‘new file’ icon on the toolbar. This will open  the Marketing Codes Detail panel with input fields available for you to create your new code.

The fields available to you within this panel are:  marketing code (this is a 2 character alphanumeric field) and description for you to give a brief narrative describing the function of this code. The marketing code field is mandatory and also has to be unique – there cannot be any duplicate entries for the same marketing code.