The Mechanic Master File > Non-Working Days Enquiry

Non-Working Days Enquiry


The non-working day’s enquiry displays the number of days and hours the selected mechanic is entitled to take off work (including bank holidays) as well as the time already taken off.

The number of hours taken is based on down time codes either clocked via on-line or manual time recording or registered as exceptions within the exception file. This enquiry also displays any hours clocked or registered against exceptions for paid absence, paid sickness, non-paid absence and non-paid sickness.

 Note! All of these values are linked to NPC parameters within the Control File set-up.



From the Mechanic View, double-click the mechanic that you would like to enquire about. In the Mechanic Maintenance window select the Non-Working Days button . This will display the Working Details for Mechanic window.


How to Perform Non-Working Days Enquiries:

In the Working Details for Mechanic window, the number of days and hours for both statutory and bank holidays should be input for the mechanic.

The non-working start date will default from the set-up within calendar maintenance but can be changed if required.


Related Topics:

Online Time Recording.