Parts & Workshop Orders > Pre-Picking in Order Handling

Pre-Picking in Order Handling


The purpose of pre-picking is to allow the parts for orders to be picked from their main locations in the branch warehouse and held ready for issue to the workshop or the customer.

The parts would be pre-picked to a location close to front or back counter.

 Note! It may be useful, in quiet periods, to prepare the parts for orders that will be required during a busy period.



A Pre-Pick Button   is available within the parts order detail screen. A search button is available to check details relating to specific parts in the ‘Part Inquiry’ screen and also from ‘Part Maintenance’ by selecting the ‘stock’ tab. Pre-picked parts window is available via the Part>Actions>Pre-Picked Parts option and the Part Order>Actions>Pre-Picked Parts option.


How to Pre-Pick Parts:

When a new parts order is opened the pre-pick icon is made available and parts added in the usual way.

Selecting the pre-pick button displays a pop up window where the user can specify a pre-pick location. Only one location per order is allowed.

Once a pre-pick location has been stored against an order, it will be used for all subsequent pre-picked parts for that order automatically printing a pre-pick list. When parts are pre-picked the records are written to a pre-pick file.

Any amendments to parts, (increase/decrease) the pre-pick file is updated to reflect these changes and a pre-pick list is printed. The print is based on the contents of the pre-pick file for that order.

A pre-pick window is available listing contents of the pre-picked file for the current branch.

A pre-pick search button is available from parts inquiry and part maintenance. This displays a pre-pick window with the results of the part entered.

When the part is finally picked, delivered or invoiced, the record will be removed from the pre-picked file


Related Topics:

Stock Taking.