Stock > Stocktaking



Depending upon the set up of your system, Fusion will process stocktaking data in one of two possible ways:

      When a stocktaking selection is made, a copy is taken of the stock balance at the time of selection, but the stock quantity from the Parts Master File is used to compare against the counted stock.

      When a stocktaking selection is made, a copy is taken of the stock balance at the time of selection and then later used to compare against the counted stock. This method allows stock to be sold during stocktaking and is replaced with a slip in the binning location, notifying the stock checker to include these parts in the count.



From Part View, select Actions > Stocktaking. This will display a Stock Check Batch List window.


How to Perform Stocktaking:

When performing a stock take, you create a batch of part numbers within Fusion that is later counted. This is done from the Stock Check Batch List by selecting File > New or click on the ‘New’ icon. A new batch window is then displayed. Each stock check requires a batch number of your choice.

Select the parts that you would like to stock-take and the batch will be created by clicking on OK. A report is then printed that lists all parts to be counted. In the new batch creation screen you can indicate as to whether you would like to ‘Print Theoretical Stock Balances’ which, if selected will print off how many of each part the stock checker can expect to find. Also, on the report you can have a field printed for the stock checker’s signature.

Pre-picked parts: These parts will have been picked from their main location and moved to a holding area with a different location reference. When a batch has been selected a pre-picked parts column within ‘Update Batch Details’ indicates with a ‘Y’ where additional locations exist.

The ‘Stock Taking Selection’ report and ‘Recount’ list displays the location of the pre-picked parts directly under the main parts location.

For example if part VO 466634 is held in location LOC001 existing also in the pre-pick file in loation PPL999 the report shows the part twice, once for each location but against one report line number.

Once the parts have been counted, the stock-take batch is opened and updated with the counted quantities.

To update any quantities you must physically tab through each part line and re-enter details whatever the quantity.

A Re-count List Report can be printed if required and this shows any discrepancies between the theoretical and counted quantities. Open the batch and select the print icon. The quantities in the batch can be updated and this report can be run as many times as required until you are satisfied that the data is correct.

At this stage, and with the agreement of the Parts Manager, the batch can be completed.

To complete the batch highlight the batch that you are working with thenn right-click > Select > Complete.

A ‘Force Through’ option is displayed.

‘Force Through’ can be checked where parts, for some reason, cannot be counted but need to be cleared from the stocktaking batch.

A report is generated for such parts with the text ‘Forced without Update’.

If some parts within a batch cannot be counted but should be, ‘Force Through’ remains unchecked and those parts remain in the batch until such time that they can be dealt with. No report is generated for this.

Within the ‘Stock’ tab of the Parts Master File, there is a field which indicates as to whether the part is being stock checked or not. If a part has been forced through the system without being stock checked then this field will change to ‘Not in Stock Check’.

When a batch is completed, a report is run that shows the stock balances and any stock discrepancies.

The DSP movement flag will automatically be updated for any parts that had stock balance differences. These part details will then be sent to DSP when the ‘Create Supertransactions’ process is run.