The Parts Master File > Record a Lost Sale

Record a Lost Sale


It is possible to register details of any sales where parts were not available to fulfil the customers’ requirements. This information is then used in sales analysis reports.



From the Part View or Parts Order View, select Actions > Part Enquiry. This will open the Part Enquiry window.


How to Record a Lost Parts Sale:

In the Parts Enquiry window, input the part number and click OK. To register the part as a lost sale, click the 'Lost Sales' button or select Actions > Lost Sales.

This will display a Register Lost Sales window. Input the customer number and quantity followed by a reason for the lost sale then click OK.

If the reason entered is because of insufficient stock, the system checks whether the lost sale quantity is greater than the stock balance. If there is sufficient stock, a message will be displayed informing you of this and the system will not register the lost sale.

Lost sales data is held in a work file until the next Lost Sales Report is run.


What else would you like to do?

Print a Lost Sales Report.