Vehicle Administration > Sharing Information Between Vehicle Order and Workshop

Sharing Information Between Vehicle Order and Workshop


Fusion can be set up to exchange data between the Vehicle Order Vehicle File and the Workshop Vehicle File.



If this facility is active on your system, matching vehicle records are updated in Vehicle Order if a vehicle is added or changed in the Vehicle entity. Similarly, if a vehicle is changed in Vehicle Order the corresponding vehicle details are updated in the Vehicle entity.

However, the addition of a vehicle in Vehicle Order doesn't create a corresponding record in the Vehicle entity because at the time the vehicle is ordered, insufficient data is available to populate the mandatory fields. Also this would lead to a redundant record in the the Vehicle entity if the order was subsequently cancelled.

Only uninvoiced vehicles in Vehicle Order are updated. Details are not updated once the vehicle has been invoiced.


How to Share Information Between Workshop and Vehicle Order:

The matching process uses very specific criteria to ensure that the correct vehicles are updated. Matching is based on:


Volvo (Product Code 0)

Product Code

Product Code


Chassis Series


Chassis Type

Chassis Type

Chassis Number

Chassis Number

The fields updated are as follows:

Product Code, Registration Number, Chassis Variants, Chassis Type, Chassis Series, Chassis Number, Marketing Type, Mileage, VIN, Wheel Base, Gross Weight Vehicle, Operation Code, Engine Serial Number, Gearbox Serial Number, Rear Axle Serial Number, Second Rear Axle Serial Number, Ignition Key Number, Door Key Number, Tyre Make, Second Tyre Make, Cab Type and Cab Number.

When a vehicle is invoiced, a number of additional details are updated in the Vehicle entity:

      Last Sale Date (if the vehicle type is used)

      New/Used Indicator (if the vehicle type is new or used)




What else would you like to do?

Creating a Vehicle Order.