Vehicle Administration > The VSS - Fusion Intrerface

The VSS – Fusion Intrerface


VSS (Volvo Sales Support System) order details may optionally be sent to Fusion when orders are added or amended in that system.

Once details have been transferred from VSS, orders will be held in Fusion in a pending order file awaiting acceptance. Pending orders fall into one of two categories, either new or amended.



On the Vehicle Order View, select Actions > VSS Orders. Select New to display the New VSS Orders window or Amended to display the Amended VSS Orders window.


How to View VSS Details on Vehicle Orders:

In the New VSS Orders window any orders received from VSS are held until either accepted into Fusion or deleted. In the Amended VSS Orders window any orders amended in VSS are held until either they are accepted or deleted.


What else would you like to do?

Creating – Updating Orders from VSS.