Vehicle Administration > Creating - Updating Orders from VSS

Creating – Updating Orders from VSS


New VSS (Volvo Sales Support System) order details may optionally be transferred to Fusion where they are held until accepted. Once accepted they are maintained in the same way as all other orders within Fusion.

If the values or customer information changes for an order that was created in VSS, then you have the option to update its corresponding Fusion order automatically.



From the Vehicle Order View, select Actions > VSS Orders > New. This will display the New VSS Orders window. From the Vehicle Order View select Actions > VSS Orders > Amended. This will display the Amended VSS Orders window.


How to Create and Update Orders from VSS:

The New VSS Orders window lists all new VSS orders that are awaiting acceptance into Fusion.

To accept a VSS order into Fusion, highlight it, right-click and then select Open to display the Update New VSS Order window. Check that the customer number and model type are correct then update the tracking status. The planned CDC date and quantity can be amended if required.

The engine type, gearbox type, rear axle type and axle combination can all be  updated here, but can also be updated from TDS at a later date. Click OK to accept the order into Fusion. The order will now be displayed in the vehicle order view.

The Amended VSS Orders window lists those orders which originated in VSS whose values or customer information has changed since the order was created. To update the corresponding Fusion order, in the Amended VSS Order window highlight the required record, right-click then select Open. This will display the Update Amended VSS Order window. Here, against the order values and customer information fields you have the option to accept the updates. Accepting the updates automatically updates all the relevant information in the Fusion order.


What else would you like to do?

Amending a Vehicle Order.


Related Topics:

The VSS – Fusion Intrerface.

TDS Enquiry.