Vehicle Administration > Actual Costs

Actual Costs


Actual costs are added to a vehicle order as they become available, and can be compared with the estimated costs. The values entered also update the actual gross profit figure shown in the Financial tab of the Vehicle Order Maintenance window.



From the Vehicle Order View, open the vehicle order you want to work with. This will display the Vehicle Order Maintenance window.


How to Work With Actual Costs:

In the Vehicle Order Maintenance window select the 'Actual Costs' tab. Here, the estimated costs from the financial and extras tabs are displayed automatically.

If workshop and external costs interfaces are active, most actual costs will be added to the vehicle order automatically, or via the Pending Costs routine. However, it's still possible to add actual costs manually if required.

To drill-down to the cost details, open the required item from the Actual Costs tab by right-clicking and selecting Open.

This will display the Vehicle Order Maintenance Actual Costs window. Here you can view the total net variance bewteen the actual and estimated cost.

'Input Date' is the date that the cost was first received by Fusion and 'Audit Number' is the sequence number of the Actual Costs Audit Report on which this cost was printed. Actual Costs can't be deleted once they have been printed on the Actual Costs Audit Report and assigned an Audit Run Number.

The default view in this window is the Summary view, where costs sharing the same document number, document date and accepted date are summarised. Selecting Detail displays all the individual cost details.

To add a new cost record select File > New. This will display the Add Actual Costs window where cost details are input. Once an actual cost has been input here it can't be changed, only deleted.

The 'Fully Allocated' checkbox indicates whether all transactions have been completed for this vehicle and all actual costs input. This checkbox is only available once the vehicle order has been invoiced. Only authorised users can update this and once checked, no more transactions or costs are allowed. Once checked, the Date field is automatically updated with the current days date. The 'Fully Allocated' checkbox can't be unchecked once it has been checked and the vehicle order updated. Depending on a parameter, when an order is 'fully allocated' cost adjustment postings are sent to the general ledger interface and an Automatic Cost Adjustments report is printed.


What else would you like to do?

Financial Details of a Vehicle Order.


Related Topics:

Pending Costs.