Vehicle Administration > Adding a Vehicle Extra

Adding a Vehicle Extra


Vehicle extras are any accessories or repairs that are required for a new or used vehicle order. Details of extras can be added manually or selected from a pre-defined list.



From the Vehicle Order View, highlight the required vehicle and choose Vehicle Order > Open. This will display the Vehicle Order Maintenance window.


How to Add Vehicle Extras:

In the Vehicle Order Maintenance window select the Extras tab. Any extras already added to the order are displayed here and can be opened and amended or deleted.

To add a new vehicle extra select File > New > Extra Details. This will display the Vehicle Order Maintenance - Add Extra window.

Select the extra type. For Extra and Repair types, click the Lookup button next to the Description field to select a file-held extra. This will automatically populate the rest of the fields with default values which can be amended if required. However, if the extra you need isn't on file, input your own description and complete the rest of the fields as required.

The Internal/External field indicates whether the extra is to be fitted by an external or internal supplier. An operation number can be input for extras supplied by your own internal workshop.

Vehicle extras can be input, amended or deleted at any time up until the order is invoiced.

Extras will only print on the customer invoice ifthe 'Print on Invoice' box is checked. If this box is not checked, extras will not appear on the invoice and their value will be hidden in the main vehicle price.

Extras may also be added as type ‘Text’. This allows you to add free-text lines if required.


What else would you like to do?

Amending a Vehicle Order.

Financial Details of a Vehicle Order.

Workshop Requisitions.


Related Topics:

Copying a Vehicle Order.