Vehicle Administration > Financial Details of a Vehicle Order

Financial Details of a Vehicle Order


All the financial information relating to the vehicle order can be viewed in the Financial tab of the Vehicle Order Maintenance window. Financial information relating to any trade-in is also maintained here.



From the Vehicle Order View, open the vehicle order that you would like to work with. This will display the Vehicle Order Maintenance window.


How to Work With Vehicle Order Financial Details:

In the Vehicle Order Maintenance window select the Financial tab.

All the financial information relating to this vehicle order can be amended at any time up until the order is invoiced.

Each financial heading listed in the Financial tab can be opened and updated with the exception of Repair Cost, Extras and Trade-In Write-Down. Estimated cost and retail values for Repair Cost and Extras are pulled automatically from the Extras tab Trade-In Write-Down and Trade-In finance settlement are input in the Trade-In Financial Details window.

To open the Financial Details window highlight the required item then right-click and Open. In the Financial Details window you may input estimated costs, retail values, Payment Codes and Account Codes.

Headings for 'Vehicle Price' and 'Discount' will always be listed in the Financial tab. Other headings displayed here depend on the setup of your system.

Actual Cost values are pulled automatically from the Actual Costs tab. These values can't be amended in the Financial tab.

If your system is set-up to post trade-in financial values to the finance system, the default Payment Code, Account Code and Tax Code for the trade-ins are also displayed here. These values can be amended.

Trade-in VAT is calculated based on the default VAT code for the trade-in vehicle. This code can be overridden if you need to calculate VAT on the trade-in at a different rate.

Write-down loss may optionally be shown as a deduction from gross profit on the vehicle deal. If this facility is enabled, write-down loss is shown in the financial tab. If a negative value is input in the Write-Down Amount field, it will increase the gross profit.

Depreciation and Stocking Interest headings may or may not be enabled or might be displayed as 'memorandum only' depending on the setup of your system. If not memorandum only, the costs are included in the total cost of the deal.

Any deposit received from the customer can be input into the Deposit Paid field.

The Trade-In Vehicles, Trade-In Tax, Totals and the Estimated, interim and Actual Gross Profit fields are displayed as memo-only. Please note that values in these fields are only recalculated when the Save & Refresh button  is clicked.

Clicking the Show/Hide Profit button  toggles the display between showing and hiding the Totals and Gross Profits.


What else would you like to do?

Actual Costs

Adding a Vehicle Extra.

Adding Trade-In Details to a Vehicle Order.

Amending a Vehicle Order.


Related Topics:

Creating a Vehicle Order.