Fusion - Control Master Files > Parts User ID

Parts User ID


Every user of Fusion should have a user ID set up with the correct restrictions as to their access and privilege. A user’s authority may be restricted in various ways, including:

      Limits as to the amount of discount that the user can issue at point of sale for both Parts and Labour.

      Limiting users access when changing costs within the Parts Master File.

      Default department enabling limited access on department code.

      Limiting users ability when deleting parts from the Parts Master File.

      Limiting users ability when removing parts from orders.

      Set a Default charge code for labour pricing (based on parameter PRC006).



From the Control Master File view, select Parts User ID. This will display the Parts User ID window.


How to Add Edit & Delete Parts User ID Codes:

In the Parts User ID Details window, new codes can be created and existing codes opened and viewed or amended as well as deleted.

To create a new record select File > New. This will display the Part User ID window. The ‘Parts Discount Allowed’ field indicates how much discount the user is allowed to give at line level.

The ‘Change Cost Prices’ field is used to limit the users ability when changing costs in The Parts Master File:

Value 0 - will allow NO update of costs.

Value 1 - will allow update of Stock and Daily Costs fields only.

Value 2 - will allow update of Average Cost Field only.

Value 3 - will allow update to ALL Cost fields.

A default department can also be input which will be displayed by default as the department in the workshop order window when this user creates an order, however care should be taken with this!

If the ‘Delete Parts’ checkbox is checked, then the user is allowed to delete parts from The Parts Master File (for example through the delete inactive parts function).

The value in the ‘Remove Parts from Orders’ field indicates whether the user can delete parts from orders:

Not Authorised - This setting will result in the following message being displayed when the user attempts to remove a part from an order: “You do not have the authority to remove parts from an order. Request denied.”

Requires 4 digit PIN - This setting will result in the following message being displayed when the user attempts to remove a part from an order: “In order to remove parts from an order or cancel an order containing confirmed parts, you must hold sufficient authority to do so. Enter your PIN . . :” If this level of authority is required, a 4 digit PIN number must be input in the ‘Removal Pin’ field. This pin number must then be input by the user when deleting a part from an order.

Fully Authorised - This setting allows the user unrestricted parts deletion.


Related Topics:

Creating a Parts Order.

Deleting Parts from the Parts Master File.