The Supplier Master File > The Supplier on Order File

The Supplier on Order File


The Supplier on Order File lists all orders placed with suppliers, both Volvo and non-Volvo. It is used by the parts department as a reference. From here they can see what parts have been ordered, how and when.



Access the Supplier via the Supplier list by clicking the Supplier View button and then clicking on the Supplier. Now select the Actions > Maintain on Order command. This will display a Supplier on Order window for the selected supplier.


How to Access Parts on Order from Suppliers:

The Supplier on Order window lists all parts on order with suppliers. The view can be sorted and filtered in various ways. The quantity ordered can be amended here if required, this will update the stock on order quantity in the Parts Master File.


What else would you like to do?

Creating a Purchase Proposal.

Goods Receiving.


Related Topics:

The Parts Master File.