The Supplier Master File > Supplier Cross-Reference Maintenance

Supplier Cross-Reference Maintenance


It is sometimes preferable to obtain parts form non-Volvo suppliers as they may be cheaper. This function allows a cross reference to be created between the non-Volvo suppliers’ part number and the Volvo part number.



Access the Supplier list by clicking the Supplier View button and then clicking on the Supplier and selecting the Supplier > Supplier/Part X-Ref command. This will display a Supplier/Part X-Ref window for the selected supplier.


How to Cross-Reference Non Volvo Parts to Volvo Parts:

The Supplier/Part Cross-Reference window lists all part numbers registered against the selected supplier. Each record in the list may be amended or deleted here.

To register a part against the supplier, select File > New.  This will display a Supplier/Part Cross Reference – new window. Enter the part number you want to register, along with the supplier’s part number (if known), any additional information and the supplier’s retail price.


How to Print a Suppliers Registered Parts:

To print a list of all parts registered to the selected supplier, select File > Print, or right click on the Supplier and select Supplier Cross Reference.

 Note! The Supplier Cross Reference number is also displayed in the Parts Master File for those parts that have a cross reference.


Related Topics:

About the Supplier Master File.