The Parts Master File > The Volvo Price File

The Volvo Price File


The Volvo Price File (also known as (THF 101 File') contains information and prices for every Volvo part. The information in this file is constantly updating Fusion in a dynamic process unseen to the user, through VIPS (Volvo Importer Parts System). In certain countries where VIPS is not used, this automatic update process isn't possible and dealers must update Fusion in a batch process using a Volvo Price File created by the market company.



The Volvo Price File (also known as (THF 101 File') doesn’t have a specific home within Fusion.



In markets that use VIPS, the prices in the Parts Master File are updated dynamically. To enable this function, a call command must be added to the Daily Batch Controls to run daily. See your System Administrator for details.


Related Topics:

About the Parts Master File.