Claims > UCHP



Unified Claim Handling Process (UCHP) is the claim validation and claim save interface, coverage interface and campaign download function used by VTC.

It validates claim job details 'online' based on various criteria such as vehicle coverage and price rules. If the UCHP interface is active, then all claims jobs are validated online, guaranteeing that the claim will be approved once all the validations have been met. Claim details can also be 'saved' by both Fusion and UCHP, eliminating the procedure of select and print and VIDB transfer.



From the Workshop Order View, open the order that you would like to work with. This will display the Order Details window. Click the Claim Handling Button to display the Claim Summary window.


How to Use Unified Claim Handling Process:

The Payment & Claim Summary window includes a ‘Validate’ button. Click on this button to validate the claim with UCHP Online. Any errors are displayed within the UCHP Validation window.

Certain errors may be controlled and overridden by using the ‘Accept’ button. Errors which may be overridden need to be defined within the Error Override Rules table (THF437). For example you may include error HDR 0045 Mileage not in sequence that could be as a result of a tachograph change. If coverage has expired (HDR 0114 or JOB 0114), provided that the user has this privilege set up within Security Administration, then ‘Goodwill’ may be selected to override the coverage expired error.

Where parameter UCH005 is set to POS (Currently for Russia only) the accept button will be replaced with a submit button where the Claim can be submitted for acceptance prior to the order being invoiced (this is due to market legislation)


What else would you like to do?

Creating a Workshop Order.


Related Topics:

About Claims.

Claim History Enquiry.


Set up:

Various pre-requisites apply for any dealer to use the UCHP interface:

      Remove Alpha VST Codes (in the long term). In the short term, 5 long Alpha Codes should be modified to 3 long Alpha Codes.

      Parts pricing to use ‘Cost Plus’ for warranty claims.

      Parameter UCH 003 controls contract pricing sent to TSA.

      Use of a single based currency. Claims cannot be sent using SEK, for example if the base currency is GBP.

      Access to coverage details.

      Error override rules need to be in place (in file THF437) to identify the errors that can be overridden.

      Repair date is dependant on setting of ROR parameter (VTC standard is ‘F’ for First clocking from time recording).

      Goodwill is only available to override the coverage expired message if the user is ‘Allowed to create goodwill claims’ within Security Administration > User Details > Privileges.

      Parameter UCH 005 controls pre Invoicing submission (Russia only) allowing the claim to be submitted and the order invoiced separately.