Parts & Workshop Orders > Volvo Vision - Order via Order Handling

Volvo Vision – Order via Order Handling


Volvo-vision Integration allows orders for parts to be placed in VIPS directly from GDS order entry.

As part of the reservations function, in certain scenarios, users will be able to see local warehouse stock levels during the GDS order entry process. When a part is not available from branch stock the option is available to replenish parts from within GDS by placing an order on VIPS without having to switch to a different system.



From the Parts Order View or Workshop Order View, open a Parts or Workshop Order, adding a part where there is insufficient stock. When apply/change is selected the reservation exception icon is available, on selection a part exceptions window is displayed.


How to Use Volvo Vision Integration:

Two panes are displayed, Parts that have not been sourced will be displayed in the lower pane. These are the parts that require attention.

Parts in the upper pane are those that have already been sourced for this order.

Highlighting and opening a part in the lower pane displays a ‘source part’ window. If the part cannot be sourced from other branches and is not already stock that is on order, select cancel to return to the part exceptions pane.


From ‘Parts not Ordered’ section, where parts cannot be sourced internally, you have the option to order them through Volvo vision.

You have the choice to order everything from the list or you can be selective.

To order all parts click on tab ‘Select ALL parts for ordering’. Parts will be flagged with a green indicator.

To de-select specific parts, double click the part line to remove the indicator.

You can close the part exceptions window but be aware, any selections and de-selections made will be lost. Once you are satisfied with the list click on tab ‘Order Selected Parts’.

The parts are sent to the Volvo vision file and are ordered based on parameter settings and batch routines.

If parameter ASO001 is set as positive and there are at least 20 records in THF511 these will be sent to VIPS.

VIPS return an order number, this number comes back into GDS as it is used against the DSP stock order and will be registered in the DSP tab of GDS Fusion.

When Automatic Order Sending is switched off.

If automatic send parameter is set at negative, when the option to order selected parts is taken, the part lines are written to both the Volvo vision and Maintain on Order files. Part lines within Maintain on Order will have the ‘order number’ at status pending until such time the scheduled job runs.

The customers order number is written to the customer order field. When the scheduled job runs, the order is processed.

The purchase order numbers are generated from the Parts Fusion control file (General Number Series) Purchase Order number.

Where part lines order number are at status ‘pending’, this is overwritten with the order number or numbers, depending on how many lines have been processed. Details of orders can be seen in the Manual tab of Goods Receipt.

The order is immediately removed from the Volvo vision file. (THF511)


Related Topics:

See GDS Stock – Goods Receiving for information about Manual Goods Receipt, DSP Goods Receipt or Order Maintainenance.

Creating and Maintaining Parts Kits.

Printing and Re-Printing Picking Slip.

See information About The Parts Master File.