Vehicle Administration > Creating Split Invoices for a Vehicle Order

Creating Split Invoices for a Vehicle Order


For each vehicle order you have the option to create a single invoice or a split invoice (where up to 3 invoices can be created for different customers).



From the Vehicle Order View, highlight the vehicle order that you would like to work with, right-click then select Invoice > Primary Invoice. This will display a Number of Invoices window.


How to Split Vehicle Order Invoices:

The Number of Invoices window is where you indicate if you wish to split the invoice value between 2 or 3 customers.

Select ’2’ or ‘3’ and input the corresponding customer numbers, then click OK. If you intend to print trade-in details on the invoice, or a prior deposit has been taken, make sure you enter the appropriate customer as the first customer because trade-in and deposit details only print on the first invoice.

Click OK in the Number of Invoices window to proceed to the Create Primary Invoice window. This displays up to 3 tabs, one for each customer selected in the previous window.

Initially the entire invoice amount is attributed to the first customer in the split.  You need to reallocate some of the sales value to the other customer(s). To do this select the item you wish to split then right-click and select Change Invoice Amount. Input the amount you want this customer to be invoiced and then choose which of the other customers you wish to be allocated the remaining balance to, then click OK. Do this for each invoice amount that you wish to split.

Tax code and Print on Invoice can be changed on an invoice line by right-clicking and selecting the appropriate option. Make the changes on each invoice tab as necessary.

On each of the tabs, enter the required invoice date and payment terms for the invoice. Check the alternate currency checkbox to print the invoice in another currency. If appropriate, verify/amend the language in which the invoice will print.

The free format text field is where you can input any additional information you want to see printed on the invoice. Hint: select the Show/Hide Text icon  to hide this section of the screen and display more of the invoice lines.

Click on the Preview icon  to see a preview of the printed vehicle invoices.

Click OK to complete the invoices. A Print Invoice window will be displayed. Input the required information and click OK.

A confirmation message will be displayed once the invoices have been printed.


What else would you like to do?

Financial Details of a Vehicle Order.

Registering an Invoice as Paid.

Reprinting a Vehicle Invoice Credit.

Supplementary Invoicing.