Vehicle Administration > Amending a Vehicle Order

Amending a Vehicle Order


Once a vehicle order has been created in Fusion any of its details can be amended up until the time that the order is invoiced.



From the Vehicle Order View, highlight the vehicle order you want to work with then select Vehicle Order. This will display the Vehicle Order Maintenance window.


How to Amend a Vehicle Order:

In the Vehicle Order Maintenance window, a series of tabs holds information about the customer, vehicle, trade-in, extras and financial aspects of the deal. Free text can also be recorded.

On the Vehicle (Additional) tab it's possible to group together vehicles of your choice into a single deal, for example a fleet sale consisting of several new units.

This is done by amending the Deal Number and Hierarchy fields in the Vehicle (Additional) tab of the Vehicle Order Maintenance window. This information is used to drive the Deal Number Profit Report which analyses the total deal profit for all vehicles linked to the same deal number.

 Note! When an order is created, the deal number and hierarchy are automatically generated. A trade-in is automatically assigned the same deal number as its 'parent' but with a different hierarchy number.

For example:

A. New vehicle, deal number 1234 Hierarchy 0

B. Trade-in against A, deal number 1234 Hierarchy 1

C. Trade-in against B, deal number 1234 Hierarchy 2

On invoiced vehicles you'll no longer be allowed to amend anything except internal free-text. However, if you have sufficient user authority you'll be allowed to amend the Tracking status, Vehicle stock type, Registration number and Registration date.

DAC and CDC dates may be amended via the Planning Detail function.


What else would you like to do?

Adding a Vehicle Extra.

Adding Trade-In Details to a Vehicle Order.

Copying a Vehicle Order.

Creating a Vehicle Order.

Deleting a Vehicle Order.

Financial Details of a Vehicle Order.

Transferring a Vehicle Order.

Creating Amending Vehicle Orders.


Related Topics:

Creating – Updating Orders from VSS.

The VSS – Fusion Intrerface.