Stock > Maintaining a Purchase Proposal

Maintaining a Purchase Proposal


To enable you to create manual purchase proposals for non volvo suppliers and confirm purchase quantities on a Volvo DSP order created by the Importer.

Volvo proposals can be sent directly to the on order file, these will not be made available to users for editing. This is dependent on the DSP Auto Ordering flag within branch records. If set to negative the proposal will be available.



From the Supplier View, select Supplier > Maintain Purchase Proposal. This will display a Purchase Proposal for Supplier window.


How to Maintain Purchase Proposals:

In the Purchase Proposal for Supplier window, all purchase proposals for the selected supplier are displayed.

Each proposal can be opened and viewed or modified. Within each proposal the lines can be deleted (manual proposals only), the quantities changed and new lines added. To amend details multiple lines can be highlighted, right click and select Update. Each part number will be presented on screen, continue to select OK. The list of parts will remain on screen until close is selected. When a proposal is ready, it is concluded and the order placed with the supplier.

Concluding a proposal should update the stock on order figures in the Parts Master File, as well as the Supplier on Order File.


What else would you like to do?

Goods Receiving.


Related Topics:

See The Parts Master File chapter.

The Supplier on Order File.