Operations & Packages > Operations



Any work carried out on a vehicle must be identified in Fusion by an operation number. These operations are referred as (VST) Volvo Standard Times and help to standardise Volvo workshops and enable more efficient time and mechanic utilisation measurements.



The Operation View displays all VST operation numbers that have been set up by the dealer and importer.


How to Add Edit & Delete Operations:

There are three categories of operations indicated by the following icons:

      Central VST - Created and maintained at importer level (IMPACT). Identified by the  icon.

      Downloaded Central VST - Downloaded from Impact system by dealer. Identified by the  icon.

      Local VST Operations - These are operations created/maintained by the dealer. They have no icon.

Opening a VST copies it into the local VST operation file and allows information such as account code and VAT code to be added as well as amending the description. (The variant tab is never displayed against these as the time will always come from Impact).

For any local VST operations, the variant information can be amended, created or deleted.

To create a new VST operation number, from the operation view select File > New. Input the product and new operation number and click OK. In the New VST window, input the details that relate to your new VST.

When creating new operation numbers it is worth remembering the Volvo standards, as Fusion uses these when processing data for reports etc. The Operation types are those used by Volvo, the field lengths and descriptions are a best practice way of working, recommended by VTB.


Operation Number

Operation Type

Results in Operation Type

2 Numeric


Other (9) and Sublet (2) Sale.

3 Numeric


Straight Time (Impact).

4 Numeric


Local Operation.

5, 7, 10 Numeric


Volvo Operation (Impact).

3 Numeric / 1 Alpha


Local Operation

5 Alpha


Other (9) and Sublet (2) Sale.

When creating a new local VST, only the ‘General’ tab is displayed initially. Once these details have been entered and you have clicked OK, other tabs then become active.

If Packages are to be associated with this operation check the ‘Package’ box. This will create a ‘Package’ tab where the package information can be created and stored.

If the Operation is to be used for Reallocations (re-charge of Warranty to External) then update the ‘Reallocations’ tab with the appropriate claim type, reallocation type, discount (where required) and payment code.

If the Operation is applicable to certain variants and a time is to be assigned then select the ‘Variants’ tab, followed by File > New > Variants. Now input the required details for the first variant. Do this for each variant as required. The list of variants within the ‘Variants’ tab can be opened, amended or deleted as required.


What else would you like to do?



Related Topics:


Labour Price Matrix.


Set up:

VST header and text options can be multi-lingual dependant upon parameter LNG 002.

Parameter PRC006 will determine if a Price Factor field is displayed, if not then the price will be derived via the labour price matrix based on classification code.