Stock > Stock Adjustments

Stock Adjustments


It may be necessary to manually adjust stock figures within the Parts Master File in order to correct any discrepancies that have occurred in the parts system.

Adjustments can be made to individual part numbers or by creating a stock adjustment batch.



To create a stock adjustment batch, from Part View, select Actions > Multiple Stock Adjustment. This will display a Stock Adjustment Multiple window.

To create a single stock adjustment, from the Part View, select “Go” to display a list of all parts, highlight the part that you would like to work with, right click and select Adjust Stock. Alternatively, highlight a part and from the menu bar select Part > Adjust Stock and you will see a Stock Adjustment window for the selected part.


How to Perform Single Part Stock Adjustments:

In the Stock Adjustment window you indicate the quantity, whether the adjustment is an increase or a decrease, a reference and the reason for the adjustment. The 'Update Sales' indicator is used if you are reducing stock. Although the part is not actually being sold, you might still want to update your sales (which will influence DSP).

Once the stock has been adjusted, a discrepancy report is produced.

When stock is adjusted, Fusion automatically recalculates a new average cost.


How to Perform Batch Stock Adjustments:

In the Stock Adjustment Multiple window indicate whether the adjustment is an increase or decrease and the reason for the adjustment. Select OK. This will display a screen where part details can be entered.

If decrease stock is selected additional fields are displayed: ‘Update Sales’, ‘Number of Picks’, ‘Sales Forecast’ and ‘Sales Category’.

If  ‘Update Sales’ is checked, this updates the DSP forecast 1 and 2 also Picks 1 and 2 in the Parts Master File “Purchase” Tab .

Number of picks for example may be 2. Quantity of 20 may have been sold but picked in two sets of 10. Enter Sales forecast, quantity of part being decreased.

Sales Category relates to category 1 and 2 sales.  Category 1 sales are re-ordered through DSP. Category 2 Sales are ignored by DSP as these parts may have been ordered as part of a promotion.


Related Topics:

See The Parts Master File chapter.


Goods Receiving.