The Supplier Master File > About the Supplier Master File

About the Supplier Master File


To order and receive stock, all suppliers must be set up in Fusion. The Supplier Master File holds all supplier information, such as address, contact details, DSP information, currency etc.



Access the Supplier list by clicking the Supplier View button. From here the table shows all recorded Suppliers. The following table describes the meaning of the screens status icons.


Supplier List Description:


Purpose / Description

Purchase Order: When this icon appears next to a Supplier, there are PurchaseOrders due from the Supplier.

Goods Receipt Transaction:

Supplier Cross/Reference: When this icon appears next to a Supplier, there are Parts Cross/References for this Supplier. See Supplier Cross-Reference Maintenance.


This is the unique Supplier ID number.

Supplier Name

This is the company name of the Supplier.


If a contact has been recorded against the supplier it is shown here.

Telephone Number

This shows the suppliers company telephone number.

Supplier Type

This shows the supplier type, this can be Parts, Workshop or Both.

Volvo Supplier

This icon  indicates that the Supplier is a Volvo Supplier. This is set via a check box in the Supplier Maintenance window.

DSP Transaction

This icon  in the column indicates that the Supplier uses DSP Transactions. This is set via a check box in the Supplier Maintenance window.

DSP Supplier Number

This shows the DSP Supplier Number.

Stock Order Group

If the Supplier belongs to a stock order group, the group is shown in this column.


What else would you like to do?

Creating a New Supplier.


Related Topics:

Creating a Purchase Proposal.

Maintaining a Purchase Proposal.

Supplier Cross-Reference Maintenance.