The Supplier Master File > Supplier History Enquiry

Supplier History Enquiry


Fusion stores information of all purchases and receipts from suppliers, for all parts. This ‘supplier history’ data is held in the Transaction Inquiry File.



Access the Supplier via the Supplier list by clicking the Supplier View button and then clicking on the Supplier and selecting the Supplier > Supplier History Enquiry command.

Access the parts listing via the Parts View button & select a Part. Next select the Actions > Supplier History Enquiry command. This will display a Supplier History Enquiry window.


How to Perform Supplier History Enquiries:

In the Supplier History Enquiry window, you can input the selection criteria for the information you want to find. Details are then displayed of all receipts for the entered part or supplier number, up until the date selected.


What else would you like to do?

Check the Supplier via The Supplier on Order File.

Perform a Transaction Enquiry.


Related Topics:

About the Supplier Master File.